The fourth episode of Bainbridge Stay At Home Companion, “Fowl-Weather Friends,” is hosted by Dominique Cantwell and produced by Miranda Feldtman, Liz Ellis, Matt Longmire, Ann Wilkinson-Ellis, and John Ellis.

“May I Have Your Attention Please: Seagull Edition”
Featuring Nathan Whitehouse and Max Levit
Edited by Liz Ellis and Travis Samson

“Shakespeare in the Dark: Henry IVd
Featuring Bhama Roget, John Ellis, Madelaine Figueroa, and Hope Koon, and Brian Feldtman in conversation with Miranda Feldtman
Edited by Brian Feldtman

“Of A Feather”
Written by Wendy Wallace
Featuring Pete Benson, Matty Whitman, George Shannon, and Victoria Brown
Edited by Liz Ellis and Travis Samson

Our theme music is by Adam Prairie.

You can learn more about The Friends of the Farms at their website, and Bainbridge Prepares at their website, This program is a collaboration between that organization, Bainbridge Performing Arts, and Bainbridge Community Broadcasting.

The events mentioned in this episode were The Covid Monologues, streaming at 7:30 on Friday evenings through June 5th at, and be sure to join Bainbridge Symphony Orchestra on a virtual trip down memory lane on May 31 with “Remembrances” presenting highlights from last season and featuring guest artists Nathan Chan (cello) and Emily Acri (violin).