The seventh episode of Bainbridge Stay At Home Companion, “Through The Grey,” is hosted by Madelaine Figueroa and produced by Miranda Feldtman, Liz Ellis, Matt Longmire, Ann Wilkinson-Ellis, and John Ellis.

“May I Have Your Attention Please: The Love Boat”
Featuring Ann Wilkinson-Ellis and Ryan O’Donnell
Written by Miranda Feldtman and Liz Ellis
Edited by Liz Ellis

“The Time Capsule”
Performed and produced by Dan Rosenberg
Written by Dan Rosenberg with Raffi Minasian and Eric Schiemer

“BI PI: Finish What You Startered”
Written by Miranda Feldtman
Featuring Jim Anderson, Liz Ellis, Matt Howe, and Brian Danzig
Edited by Miranda Feldtman and Liz Ellis
Music includes “Dances and Dames” by Kevin MacLeod (CC-BY,

Our theme music is by Adam Prairie.

This program is a collaboration between Bainbridge Performing Arts, Bainbridge Prepares, and BCB, a community service of BARN.