The Bainbridge Island City Council approved the Climate Action Plan (CAP) this past November 2020. What is the CAP and how will it be implemented? 

The Climate Change Advisory Committee (CCAC) will be hosting an online community event this month giving presentations of the plan, answer questions on the CAP and discuss next steps.


The online events will be held:

  • Wednesday, Jan. 13 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. 
  • Saturday, Jan. 23. from 10 to 11:30 a.m.

Listen here to city council liaison Joe Deets, and CCAC members Mike Cox, Deb Rudnick, and Lara Hansen describe the importance of the Plan, how it got started and what it plans to accomplish. One of the overarching goals is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions on Bainbridge Island by 90% by 2045. That will be a momentous occasion!

You can view the Climate Change Advisory Committee webpage by clicking here.

And to view the Climate Action Plan go here.

Credits: BCB Host Sonia Scaer; Audio editor Keith Doughty; Publisher Bob Ross