Can you spell Fun-Raiser? If you’re into spelling, you’ll want to be sure to check out  “BPL Buzz,” the Bainbridge Island Public Libraryʻs Second Annual Adult Spelling Bee.

You can be part of the friendly — and sometimes zany — competition by forming a team and putting your spelling skills to the test. Defending champions, The Bonnets, will be there to defend their crown.

Or, buy a ticket to sip wine, taste cheese and dessert, and spell along from the audience. You will be regaled and hosted by George Shannon, noted author, actor, and Island Treasure, and “Queen Bee” Rebecca Judd, also known as the Library Branch Manager.

Either way, the Bainbridge Public Library wins. As the library’s Teri Weldy explains to BCB Host Ellen Miyasoto in this podcast, the library building and grounds are owned by our community, and its operation and maintenance are solely supported by the generosity of volunteers and donors.  So this is a perfect opportunity to be entertained and support your local library at the same time!

For more information, buzz on over to

Take care that you never spell a word wrong. Always before you write a word, consider how it is spelt, and, if you do not remember it, turn to a dictionary. It produces great praise to a lady to spell well…

Letter from Thomas Jefferson to his daughter Martha, 1783.

Credits: BCB host and studio tech: Ellen Miyasato; BCB audio editor: Tim Bird; “What’s Up” music splash: Tim Bird; BCB ferry music: Dogfish Bay Studios; Podcast art: artopia creative.