From BCB…

May at the BARN offers a wide variety of learning opportunities, including:

May 15: Introduction to Raspberry Pi, a $35 open-source computer that fits in the palm of your hand

May 21-22:  Make bone bookmaking tools and objects by hand with Jim Croft

May 24: Viscosity printing with Denise Kester and the monthly meeting of the Book Arts/letterpress group

May 26: Writers Roundtable and Chiaroscuro Wood Cut Relief Carving with Ann Schuster

May 28: Basic stone setting with round and square tubing, taught by Jennifer Stenhouse

… and on Mondays there will be a series of workshops on chain necklace-making taught by Jane Martin.

For more information about these and other BARN offerings, visit the BARN website at

Credits: BCB host: Joanna Pyle; audio editor: Chris Walker; publisher: Diane Walker.