From Brussels Sprouts, garlic and green beans to squash, mushrooms and citrus, this is the time of year when we really count on particular varieties of fruits and vegetables to make our holiday meals a feast.

With this podcast, BCB’s Bob Ross is back from Italy to talk with T&C’s Joe Pulicicchio, director of produce and floral, about what’s in store for everyone’s favorite November meal. The two discuss the produce that typically finds its way to the Thanksgiving table with some interesting observations and suggestions, and Joe shares his philosophy about the uniqueness of this very American holiday.

Best of all, you’ll get the inside scoop on some unusual squash, some different approaches to mushrooms, the best way to prepare a quintessential batch of holiday mashed potatoes, and a new fig that’s guaranteed to knock your socks off!

Credits: BCB host, Bob Ross; audio tech and editor: Chris Walker; social media publisher, Diane Walker.