Movies That Matter is a new free monthly film series, featuring thought-provoking movies on a variety of environmental topics. The first one will air Thursday, November 1; 7pm at the Lynwood Theater.

In this podcast, BCB host Christina Hulet sits down with Michael Cox, a retired Environmental Protection Agency advisor who is helping organize the series, which is sponsored by several organizations, including Sustainable Bainbridge, Climate Action Bainbridge, EcoAdapt, Citizens’ Climate Lobby, and Friends of Island Power.

The first screening will be of Happening: A Clean Energy Revolution, on Thursday, November 1st at Lynwood Theater at 7pm. This movie was directed by James Redford, Robert Redford’s son, who traveled across the country interviewing innovators and advocates of the clean energy economy. Listen as Michael shares how inspiring it was to see what people are doing in the Midwest and across our country to make a difference.

Movies That Matter will take place on the 1st Thursday of every month. All movies are free to the public, and each showing will be followed by a community discussion with local experts. You can see their full list of screenings at:

For more information on Movies That Matter, please contact:

Credits: BCB host: Christina Hulet; audio editor and publisher: Diane Walker; social media: Jen St. Louis.