Podcast: Tastes of Bainbridge:
Meet Farm Interns Li Schmidt and Ruven Stein

<i>Podcast: Tastes of Bainbridge:</i> <br>Meet Farm Interns Li Schmidt and Ruven Stein

BCB_150pxTastesPodcast_FINALIn this episode of Tastes of Bainbridge, Li Schmidt and Ruven Stein, two of Brian McWhorter’s summer interns at Butler Green Farms, talk about being farm interns.

Farm interns Ruven Stein and Li Schmidt
Farm interns Ruven Stein and Li Schmidt

Listen here and learn what motivates them and why they have chosen to pursue this work in agriculture and food.  The two interns, both college graduates, are articulate and thoughtful in their discussions as they share how they first got interested in food production and what their thoughts and aspirations are as they look ahead.

For all those who worry about millennials and what they bring to today’s culture, this interview presents us with encouragement for a surprisingly bright and rosy future.

Credits: BCB host: Bob Ross; BCB audio editor: Chris Walker; social media publisher: Diane Walker.

Town and Country Markets underwrites BCB's "Tastes of Bainbridge"
Town and Country Markets underwrites BCB’s “Tastes of Bainbridge”